Who is the Trusty Businessman?

Hello, I’m a serial entrepreneur, passionate about helping others. A little about me: I have started several businesses and currently run 3 of them including a nonprofit with a collective team of over 20 people. Often people ask me how I manage my time, projects and other aspects of my business. I created this brand to answer questions while I work, demonstrate the tools I use, support #openstartup and provide an avenue for people to learn how to start a business for free. I try to keep consistent with producing content occasionally on Fridays or Saturdays (and periodically throughout the week). I am recording my business workflow, offering free advice and insights based on my own experiences and providing free business startup tools that my team and I have developed. You can check out my previous episodes or subscribe to me on Youtube to watch the next time I am going live. I usually announce that on Twitter as well for any of my fellow tweeters. Thanks for stopping by and before you leave, check out some of the cool gear below that we have to offer!

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